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Weight Management

Les excès de poids et l’obésité sont des Overweight and obesity are very common health problems in pets. Each time you visit the clinic, a member of our team will weigh your pet and record their weight in their medical record. This will allow your veterinarian to track your pet’s weight and keep you informed of any major fluctuations.

Why is it dangerous for my pet to be overweight?

Being overweight or obese significantly increases your pet’s risk of developing diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and osteoarthritis, among others. In addition to making your pet sick and uncomfortable, these diseases can lead to hefty vet bills as they require follow-up visits and medication. A pet at a healthy weight is a happy and healthy pet.

How do I know what’s a healthy weight for my pet?

Your veterinarian will be able to tell you based on several factors such as your pet’s breed, size, age, etc. If you think your pet has gained weight, you can always drop by the clinic to have a member of our team do a weigh-in.

How can I help my pet lose weight?

There are many ways to help your pet lose weight. With your input, your veterinarian can develop a weight loss plan for your pet. This plan could include, for example, a change in diet, an exercise program, or lifestyle changes.